Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Shiny New Editor--Julie Amper of Holiday House!

So, I spoke with my editor from Holiday House, Julie Amper, for the first time today! I was a little nervous, not knowing what to expect, but she immediately put me at ease. We had a fantastic talk and all her suggestions for NIGHTSHADE CITY I totally agree with. I'm so excited to start editing. Looks like we will have a release date of Fall 2010. My rats will finally cut loose during Halloween, yay, perfect timing for the little buggers, nice and creepy!

Speaking of creepy, I'm over half way through with Edwin Copperpot, my YA novel about the dead, and now I'm deciding where I'm going to take the ending. My friend suggested I throw some flesh eating zombies in, since they are the current fad, but they move too slow, the novel would be 500 pages long! Anyway, zombies just aren't my bag, too sluggish and the dialogue would just be a bunch of moans and groans and "I wanna eat your brains" dead folk have far more character than that, they're funny too! See for yourself!

So, lesson learned: Don't be scared of your new editor, flesh eating zombies yes, editors no!

xoxo -- Hilary


  1. Glad you had a great talk with your editor, Hilary. That must have been nerve wrecking at first!

    I say skip the zombies, and stick with the dead people with character!

  2. Yeah, rotting stiffs are much more hilarious than undead rotting stiffs!! Ha, ha!! Yes, it was great! Can't wait to get things going! Thanks Casey!

    xoxo -- Hilary

  3. Hey, I found your blog!

    HOORAY on talking with your editor! time to throw that pub dust out into the universe!! (headed germany way)


  4. Ha! JKB, you're going to have to move back from Germany, so we can do a book tour together! I just sent you some fresh pub dust via FedEx!! ;)

    xoxo -- Hilary

  5. I probably won't be popular here, but I so can't give a rat's patootie about zombies. I'm glad you decided not to go that way!!! Glad the phone call went well, too. (As if there was ever any doubt.)

  6. Hi Hilary!

    Congratulations on your upcoming novel--I can't wait to check it out! I'm so glad we can connect and I look forward to following more of your blog. Can't wait to find out even more about your stories!

    All the best,
    Lori Calabrese


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