Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Realm Lovejoy's illustration of Billycan!

Realm is a fantastic writer and illustrator, represented by Joanna Stampfel-Volpe. She did an incredible illustration of my wicked, white rat Billycan and I want to give her a big hug for doing such an amazing job and then go hide under my covers because I'm scared of my own character!!

Realm, thanks so much! He is perfect, creepy, and downright terrifying! Yikes!

Here is the link to her interview with me and evil Billycan!!! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!!

xoxo -- GG


  1. That is an awesome illustration! I canonly imagine the character that inspired it!


  2. Shelley,

    Is not our Realm talented? I was so thrilled! It's so inspiring to see how others imagine the characters you create! The link to the Billycan excerpt is below! My wicked white rat!

    xoxo -- Hilary

  3. I agree, an AWESOME pic! :-)

  4. Realm rocks--and Nightshade City sounds fantastic! Can't wait to check it out!

  5. Thanks Joanna! And yes, our girl Realm does truly ROCK! I liked your NY term "track rabbits"! That might end up in a new book...hmmm!!

    xoxo -- Hilary


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