Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Strange and Horrible Day...

Have you ever had one of those days that you can only classify as a total fail? Well, I had one of those days yesterday. Not that anything bad happened, no deaths, no mortal wounds, just a really cruddy day where everything seemed to go wrong and the people I needed to help me where all unavailable, unable to help a desperate (and slightly manic) writer in need...I digress.

I need to give a very special mention to my super awesome (even if she likes possums) friend Jen K Blom. All the way from Germany, this amazing writer chum helped me through my angst and virtually held my clammy hand! xoxo -- Jen!

Anyway, today has been a different story--completely! Yesterday's problem is fixed! My editor called me bright and early and made me feel super special (thanks Julie)! And last but not least, I woke up to two fantastic reviews of Nightshade City! It's amazing how one day can differ from the next SOOOOO much! Frankly, it's kind of scary!

Today was the launch of the Bookanistas book review bloggers! Not one, but two of these lovely reviewers reviewed Nightshade City! I have to say, my coffee tasted soooo good this morning, as compared to yesterday!

Thanks to Bethany Wiggins and Christine Fonseca, the two gorgeous Bookanistas who reviewed Nightshade City!! Please follow these lovely ladies around, both with books of their own coming out soon!

Major hugs and kisses to anyone out there who is having a "fail" day of their own. It can only get better, I promise! :)

xoxo -- Hilary


  1. Yay for better days today! Congrats on the reviews. I am SO excited to read your book. I hope the rest of your week is more like today. xo

  2. AW.


    You are the bestest - and you've done it for me!!!!!


  3. Anonymous7/08/2010

    Here's to a great day, Hilary! *Raising my cup of coffee* Congratulations on the wonderful reviews! :)

  4. I love how life has a way of doing that...and I am SO GLAD I was able to be part of your bright day. Hugs!

  5. The only way you fail ... is at being lame! Dorky I know but I had to say it. And I read Christine's awesome review already, but Bethany's wasn't up yet this morn ... heading over now.

    October's getting closer every day!

  6. I read that review and found my way here. I can't wait to read you book. Here's to a happy day.

  7. This whole past month has been a fail for me. It can only get better from here though, right?!

    Glad today has been better for you!

  8. So sorry about your fail day! I'm usually around if it's technical or software related help you need, so just give a hollar.

    YAY for the positive reviews! Soak them in!! :)

  9. Glad the next day was much better and thta you had a great friend to help you through it.

  10. I saw Bethany's review - great stuff! Congrats. :)

  11. I'm so glad you had a better day today. Thanks for giving us such a fun book to look forward to in October!

  12. Effie Townsend7/08/2010

    Hooray for awesome reviews!!! Go rats!!

  13. Glad your coffee tasted better today!

  14. Anonymous7/08/2010

    What a great review, Hilary. I have pre-ordered Nightshade City. October can't get here fast enough!

  15. Hey, it could be could be me! My basement flooded yesterday!

    Great reviews! I can' wait to get a copy of Nightshade City!!!

  16. Hey Hilary,

    Just to say thanks very much for the follow. Greatly appreciated :). Nightshade looks fantastic, can't wait to read it come October. Good luck with everything.


  17. Yes, I've had days like this. Glad yours got better. :)

  18. Hard days are no fun. Glad the next one was so great.

  19. It sucks when the bad days come...but knowing that things can only get better is sometimes reassuring. It's just a matter of holding out for that upward swing.

  20. Rick, thank you! I'm very excited!

    Elana & Natalie, no more bad days of us for any ! I've decided!

    Hi Okie! Yes, sometimes when you've hit that low point, there is no other way but UP!!

    xoxo -- Hilary

  21. Phoooie to bad days!!
    I can't wait to read your book! It's gonna be awesome!!!

    Ps should I mention my cat caught a mouse today.


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