Friday, September 10, 2010

Rat Blackjack Anyone?

I'm going to Vegas, baby! ;)
Two nights ago I was updating my blog with those fancy new pages you see at the top. I scrolled down to change something and there was my cute little NIGHTSHADE CITY debut countdown widget staring me in the face. It read, 21 days, 21 hours, 21 minutes and 23 seconds! So right quick I hit the 'PrtSc' button and captured the moment!

Hmmm...Blackjack times four for my rats??? I'll take it! ;)

xoxo -- Hilary


  1. That is beyond awesome! And I totally Can. Not. wait for your book. I may camp out the night before in front of the book store. weeeeee!

  2. Cool! Enjoy your feeling of success and much more to come!!! :O)

  3. That is so cool. And I went to Barned and Noble and got your book already. I just started it, but it's great. I have three books checked out from the library that I have to finish, but I'm sneeking in pages of Nightshade City every chance I get. How exciting!

  4. Michelle! It just came out at B&N nationwide! They got it a few weeks early, so it is out!! I saw it last week on the shelf and nearly fainted! ;)

    Diane! Thank you! I'm all jitters! Scary stuff!

    Melissa! I get goose bumps when I read that someone is reading and likes my book! It is a thrill like no other! Please let me know your thoughts when you're all done! I can't wait to hear! :):):):)

    xoxo -- Hilary

  5. Haha, that's awesome.

    Go rats go!

    Now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to reading about those rats. :)

  6. Can't wait to get my hands on your book! Congrats on your debut!


  7. You got a quote from Rick Riordan?? You lucky girl. Looks like a fun read! Can't want to check it out.

  8. ZOMG!!! I am racing there tomorrow!!!!!

  9. This is so fantastic Hilary. Lucky Lucky Lucky!! And you captured the moment so I know Nightshade City will be an unparalled success. Congratulations.

  10. Lindsay! I can't wait to hear what you think about the ending. There is quite a little twist!

    Cinette, thank you! I can't wait either! :)

    Larissa, it's cool and pretty much terrifying!

    Thanks, Kristal. Rick Riordan is seriously the nicest, most generous author. I was FLOORED, actually still am! :)

    Hooray! Michelle, can't wait to hear what you think!

    Piedmont! Thanks so much! It's weird, ever sense the whole "book thing" my hub and I have not been to Vegas. We used to go twice a year. I'll take this over "real" Blackjack any day!!!!! ;)

    xoxo -- Hilary

  11. -grins- That really is great.
    My mom is going to Barnes And Noble today. I'm trying to bully her into going to see if we got it early.

  12. Anonymous9/11/2010

    Yay, you're getting closer to your debut! It's an awesome book. And your rats are smart enough to play blackjack. They should have a little casino in Nightshade City.

  13. Medeia, you just made me laugh out loud! You are funny! My only worry would be Billycan would find a way to run the casino and that would not be good for anyone! ;)

    xoxo -- Hilary

  14. Anonymous9/12/2010

    Neat! You have to love it when those things happen!

  15. How cool, Hilary! Don't you love when things like that happen? All the stars were properly aligned, or something.

    And we've had your book in the bookstore for a couple weeks. I bought a copy (since I never saw an ARC of it). Just finished it and LOVED it. So much action and adventure. Great job.

  16. Sam! That is so cool! Can't wait to hear what you think of the book! :):):)

    Lynn, it was weird! Made me feel like something good was going to happen!

    Joanne! That. Is. Awesome! So glad you liked it! That makes me so happy to read! Please let me know if you want bookmarks for your store! I'd be happy to send some...just got them in and they're really nice!

    xoxo -- Hilary

  17. Cool! Have fun. Win lots.

  18. Those are some lucky rats! Love it!

  19. Hilary--I'm lovin' (in a twisted way) Killdeer! Nightshade City is awesome! I did not expect it to be so epic like...I can see the movie on the horizon!!!!

  20. 21 days! so soon! :)


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